Jefferson County Planning Commission
Hybrid Hearing Meeting

Hearing Room 1 / Virtual Hearing via WebEx Webinars
100 Jefferson County Pkwy
Golden, CO 80419

Instructions for Public Comment/Public Testimony for Virtual Hearings via WebEx Webinars:


If a citizen wishes to make public comment or provide public testimony virtually during the hearing, they will be required to log into the meeting using a computer. (Note: Public Comment is not taken during the Pre-Meeting.)


When you log into the online event, please send a Chat message to the Host (staff), if you wish to provide general comments or comments related to a specific case on the agenda. Please provide your first and last name, address, and the topic of your comment or case number, and you will receive confirmation once you have been added to the list.  


During the designated time for public comment or public testimony on a specific case, your name will be called in the order it was received. Your microphone will be unmuted once your name has been called. You will have three minutes to provide your testimony, or ten minutes if you represent a Registered Association.


If you plan on testifying at the hearing, please pre-register online or contact the case manager listed on the agenda so we can be sure your voice is heard. If you want to present documents, images or a presentation to the Planning Commission, please send the files to the case manager prior to the hearing (24 hours at the latest) so we can ensure these documents are able to be presented during the hearing.


Event links can be found below or here:


Pre-Meeting: Faye Griffin Room / Webex Webinars (4:15 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.)
Pre-Meeting Connection Details (No Public Comment is taken):
Access Information - Webinar Number: 2492 210 5135
Webinar Password: NeUbEfRi627 (63823374 from phones)
Audio Connection: (720) 650-7664 Access Code: 2492 210 5135

Agenda Items:

  1. Executive Session (4:15 p.m. - approx. 5:45 p.m.) - Unified Land Use Code - legal advice under C.R.S. § 24-6-402(4)(b)
  2. Director/Assistant Director of Planning and Zoning
  3. Planning and/or Engineering Manager/Supervisor
  4. Other Staff
  5. Legal Counsel
  6. Administrative Assistant
  7. Case Review


Hearing: Hearing Room 1 / Webex Webinars (Approximately 6:15 p.m.)
Hearing Connection Details:
Join the WebEx webinar from here:
Access Information - Webinar Number: 2482 357 8969
Webinar Password: TrfXedA6g74 (87393326 from phones)
Audio Connection: (720) 650-7664 Access Code: 2482 357 8969

A short period for members of the public to appear without being scheduled ahead of time to make comments on planning matters not before the Commission at this time.

Rezoning (Continued from January 8, 2025)
Owner/Applicant: Sandra J. Dougherty
Location: 5100 Eldridge Street, Golden
Section 18, Township 3 South, Range 69 West
Approximate Area: 0.60 Acres
Purpose: To Rezone from Agricultural-Two (A-2) to Residential-One (R-1)
Case Manager: Sara Kohles

Case Name: 16670 County Road 126 Official Development Plan
Owner/Applicant: Carol Williams
Location: 16670 County Road 126, Pine
Section 27, Township 7 South, Range 71 West
Approximate Area: 0.23 Acres
Purpose: To Rezone from Commercial One (C-1) to Planned Development (PD) to allow for existing residential uses.
Case Manager: Allie McGahee

No cases scheduled for the Regular Agenda.

No Item Selected